Tag Archives: world

On My Way to Market Place

It was cloudy two days ago. Not the ideal weather to come out and stroll the streets to shop. But I went anyway. Being me, I have an incessant list containing new things I want everyday; a pair of shoes, a patent leather bag, a cool dress, the whole nine yards. I even thought of making a blog consisting only that. But it seemed like such an egoistical idea, considering there are a lot of people around the world who cannot afford even basic things in life. But then maybe I could include ‘world peace and wealth’ on my wanted list. But then it’s something everyone wants anyway and if I did make the blog containing the list containing ‘world peace and wealth’ among a skirt in French Connection and that new pigment color in Urban Decay, it’d just seem superficial. So I didn’t.

But I digress. So, two days ago it was cloudy outside, and I went out, excited. There were plenty of wanted items in my head that I couldn’t buy before because being a (too) laid back job seeker, there’s only so much you can buy. But two days ago, I got the money to finally buy those items. Getting off at Oxford Circus Station, I went in to Topshop. It was HEAVEN. Well, at least for the first ten minutes or so. As I hurried my way down to the ‘Vintage’ area to get that perfect little dress I have tried on two days before, I spotted these yellow skinny jeans. It’s not usually my color, but it is summer and I have determined to have loads of color play. So I thought what the hell, and tried them on. Hmmmm. The tiny dressing room suddenly resounded with my hum. They looked just OK, but did not feel right. So I passed on the yellow jeans.

As I walked out, I remembered seeing striped blue jeans on the ‘Petite’ area on my last visit there (I’m 5ft 2in, mind you). I walked over and looked for my size, there was none. Oh but wait, what’s there in the corner, hanging on the top rail? I reached and worked my short arm through the line of hangers, found my size, but then also found that the hanger was tangled. So there I was, tiptoeing in the corner of ‘Petite’ with one arm holding my bag and another grasping on the air pulling the hanger to undo the frickin’ tangle while at the same time trying hard to balance myself. It’s the ‘Petite’ area for God’s sake! Shouldn’t they make the top rails lower than usual? Or provide a, a.. mini stepladder or something. And just when I was about to give up, one staff walked towards me, looked at me like I was an idiot (well, I don’t blame him, really) and asked me whether I needed help. Oh God, yes. Meh, it’s hard being short sometimes. Long story short, I tried the pair on, they didn’t look good on me.

And so after two tops, one jacket, and a pair of red shorts later (which none I bought), I found myself exhausted. Then I thought, OK, I’m just gonna go downstairs and buy the dress. When I got to it, I grab the S sized dress.. and saw an XS one behind it. And I couldn’t remember which size I’ve tried on two days before. By then I was too tired to tried anything on, not to mention I had to queue in the dressing rooms, plus my boyfriend has probably finished his pint(s) at the Market Place. He could’ve always ordered more, but I was already gone quite long. With one last look at the dress, I put it back on the rail. I looked around to see whether there was still something interesting, but weirdly everything seemed bland. I no longer wanted those stuff. At least not as much as before.

Once I was outside, I lit a cigarette and started walking towards Market Place. And on my way there, I wondered. Did I really want those stuff because I really really wanted them, or just because I wasn’t able to buy them at the time? And when I was finally able to buy them.. they didn’t look so appealing anymore. (Those ‘Macy Shoe’ I mentioned in one of my post which I really wanted? Bought them a month ago. They have not seen the outside of my closet ever since.) I don’t know.. maybe things are so much better when you don’t, or -better yet- can’t own them. The glamorous lifestyle of others, the flat by the river, the fabulous job. Maybe those things we want cloud our minds and make us forget we already have more than we could ask for. I know I should be more than happy with everything I got right now.

As I drew nearer to the bar where my boyfriend was waiting, I caught a glimpse of him from afar, and was reminded that of course life would be so much better with ‘world peace and wealth’.. but for now, it is good enough for me.


Filed under Fashion, Just Some Thoughts

Me and the World (of Warcraft)

Name: Erinnyes
Faction: Horde
Race: Undead
Class: Mage
Specialization: Arcane
Level: 70
Stat: 7.9k hp, 9.1k mana, 2.5k crit, with an awfully low resilience of only 47 atm, soon to have epic PVP gear (I hope :D)
Guild: Legion of Fate

So this is what I have been doing lately.. no wait, scratch that. This has been my world lately.. Warcraft. For you who don’t know what World of Warcraft is, it’s an MMORPG (Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game). Okay, I know what you’re thinking here.. and yes, I plea guilty. I got sucked into it, I was only trying to see what the fuss was all about at first and the next thing I know, not a damn day goes by without me playing it (with my boyf, of course.. he’s the one who dragged me into it, so it’s basically his fault). I have to admit the game is highly addictive, but only for plenty of good reasons. I could describe them one by one, but one can’t possibly understand unless he/she has tried to play the game.

To start, you need to choose a faction, Horde or Alliance. Then choose a race, sex, and class. After that, there’s no end to it, you will need to do quests in order to earn XP (experience) points and reputation, which will bring you to a higher level. You’d be eager to get one level higher each time; you will want to learn new spells and abilities every 2 levels (until level 60, and each level after that until 70); you’d have two professions from which you’d earn gold (and from selling items you loot); the game even has its own Auction House, like eBay! Besides that, you can do Battlegrounds to play against other players. In a PvP (Player versus Player) realm, you are automatically in war with your opposite faction.

In terms of mounts, when you reach level 40, you get to learn a riding ability which will enable you to buy a mount (that gives you a 60% bonus speed). In level 60, you get to buy an epic mount (that gives you 100% bonus speed), and in level 70 you get to buy a flying mount! But that’s not all, you could even buy a Swift Flying mount, so you can fly, but with 280% bonus speed. Damn the list is endless.In WoW, the chance for you to be anti-social is pretty slim. Well, you can be, but you won’t be half as good as other players, cause they give you group quests, raid quests, even dungeons which you can’t possibly pawn on your own.

There are also loads of guilds in it that you can be a part of. So I do make friends. There’s even this one kid who’s being utterly dependent on me and Tez (Hudi’s char). Plus, the best part for me is to be given the chance to “dress” the character with multiple choice of qualities, designs, and specifications gears. It’s INSANE, I’m telling you. Yet, it’s also the most genius idea ever. In this world, you can do things you can’t do in real life, you can go places you don’t even imagine you’d go (even only virtually), you can be whoever you want regardless of who you really are outside it. Sound like a buch of ol’ (virtual) lies? Probably. But ah, who gives a damn?

Will I lie to myself to be happy? … Yes, I will.”
(Leonard Shelby, Memento)

All hail mighty Blizzard.


Filed under World of Warcraft